Require Import stlc reduction sn_defs.
Ltac invTm :=
match goal with
|[_ : var_tm _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[_ : lam _ _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[_ : app _ _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[H: lam _ _ = lam _ _ |- _] => inv H
|[H: app _ _ = app _ _|- _] => inv H
|[H: ids _ = ids _|- _] => inv H
Hint Constructors SN SNe SNRed.
Lemma anti_rename:
(forall n (M: tm n), SN M -> forall n' M' (R: fin n' -> fin n), M = ren_tm R M' -> SN M')
/\ (forall n (M: tm n), SNe M -> forall n' M' (R: fin n' -> fin n), M = ren_tm R M' -> SNe M')
/\ (forall n (M N: tm n), SNRed M N -> forall n' (R: fin n' -> fin n) M', M = ren_tm R M' -> exists N', N = ren_tm R N' /\ SNRed M' N').
apply SN_multind; intros; repeat invTm; asimpl in *; subst; eauto.
- destruct (H0 _ _ _ (eq_refl _)) as (M''&->&?).
eapply SRed; eauto.
- destruct M'; simpl in *; try congruence.
inv H; now constructor.
- exists (M'0_1 [M'0_2..]).
split. now asimpl. constructor; eauto.
- destruct (H0 _ _ _ (eq_refl (ren_tm R0 M'1))) as (N'&->&A2).
exists (app N' M'2). split; [reflexivity| now constructor].
Lemma rename :
(forall n (M: tm n), SN M -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SN (ren_tm R M))
/\ (forall n (M: tm n), SNe M -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SNe (ren_tm R M))
/\ (forall n (M N: tm n), SNRed M N -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SNRed (ren_tm R M) (ren_tm R N)).
apply SN_multind; intros; asimpl in *; eauto.
- constructor.
- intros. subst. constructor. auto. now asimpl.
Lemma ext_SN n (M: tm n) (p: fin n) :
SN (app M (var_tm p)) -> SN M.
intros H. remember (app M (var_tm p)) as Mp. revert M p HeqMp.
induction H; intros; subst.
- inv H. now constructor.
- inv HeqMp.
- inv H.
+ apply SAbs. eapply anti_rename. exact H0.
instantiate (1 := p..). substify. now asimpl.
+ eapply SRed. exact H. eapply IHSN. reflexivity.
Ltac invTm :=
match goal with
|[_ : var_tm _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[_ : lam _ _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[_ : app _ _ = ren_tm ?R ?M' |- _] => inv M'; simpl in *; try congruence
|[H: lam _ _ = lam _ _ |- _] => inv H
|[H: app _ _ = app _ _|- _] => inv H
|[H: ids _ = ids _|- _] => inv H
Hint Constructors SN SNe SNRed.
Lemma anti_rename:
(forall n (M: tm n), SN M -> forall n' M' (R: fin n' -> fin n), M = ren_tm R M' -> SN M')
/\ (forall n (M: tm n), SNe M -> forall n' M' (R: fin n' -> fin n), M = ren_tm R M' -> SNe M')
/\ (forall n (M N: tm n), SNRed M N -> forall n' (R: fin n' -> fin n) M', M = ren_tm R M' -> exists N', N = ren_tm R N' /\ SNRed M' N').
apply SN_multind; intros; repeat invTm; asimpl in *; subst; eauto.
- destruct (H0 _ _ _ (eq_refl _)) as (M''&->&?).
eapply SRed; eauto.
- destruct M'; simpl in *; try congruence.
inv H; now constructor.
- exists (M'0_1 [M'0_2..]).
split. now asimpl. constructor; eauto.
- destruct (H0 _ _ _ (eq_refl (ren_tm R0 M'1))) as (N'&->&A2).
exists (app N' M'2). split; [reflexivity| now constructor].
Lemma rename :
(forall n (M: tm n), SN M -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SN (ren_tm R M))
/\ (forall n (M: tm n), SNe M -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SNe (ren_tm R M))
/\ (forall n (M N: tm n), SNRed M N -> forall n' (R: fin n -> fin n'), SNRed (ren_tm R M) (ren_tm R N)).
apply SN_multind; intros; asimpl in *; eauto.
- constructor.
- intros. subst. constructor. auto. now asimpl.
Lemma ext_SN n (M: tm n) (p: fin n) :
SN (app M (var_tm p)) -> SN M.
intros H. remember (app M (var_tm p)) as Mp. revert M p HeqMp.
induction H; intros; subst.
- inv H. now constructor.
- inv HeqMp.
- inv H.
+ apply SAbs. eapply anti_rename. exact H0.
instantiate (1 := p..). substify. now asimpl.
+ eapply SRed. exact H. eapply IHSN. reflexivity.